How To Sing Swing Music – 10 PRO Tips🥇(Mar 2025)

How To Sing Swing Music – 10 PRO Tips🥇(Mar 2025)


Swing music is a vibrant, upbeat genre that will get your toes tapping and your heart thumping. But how do you go about singing it? It’s not as straightforward as it seems! Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Here are 10 PRO Tips on how to sing swing music that’ll have you belting out the tunes like a pro in no time.

Swing music has been around for decades, but these days it’s making more of an impact than ever before. Whether you’re dancing to its infectious rhythms or singing along to its catchy melodies, swing music is sure to put a smile on your face. With our 10 PRO Tips, you’ll be able to master the art of singing swing music in no time – and show off your impressive vocal skills!

So if you’re looking to add some swing flair to your singing repertoire, then look no further. We’ve got everything you need right here! You won’t believe how easy it is – so let’s get started!


1. Always Warm Up Your Voice Before Singing

Warming up your voice before singing is an essential part of any vocal performance. Not only can it help to prevent straining your vocals, but warming up can also help you hit higher notes and have more range. Here are a few tips for warming up your voice before singing swing music.

The first thing to remember when warming up is to never overdo it. Start with simple exercises that gently stretch the vocal cords and avoid anything too strenuous. A few ideas include humming, lip trills, and gentle scales. You can also try lightly tapping the roof of your mouth with your tongue for a few seconds at a time to get the muscles in your throat moving.

Once you’ve stretched out your vocal cords, practice some swing music songs you know well or even some scat syllables like “doo wop bop” or “bap bap da boom” to get used to the rhythm and feel of swing music without taxing your voice too much. Doing this will help you stay relaxed while also teaching you how to control the dynamics of your performance. With these steps, you should be ready to take on any swing song with confidence!


2. Use Correct Vocal & Breathing Technique

In order to sing swing music correctly, it’s important to use the right vocal and breathing techniques. To begin with, find a comfortable posture for singing by standing upright with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Make sure your knees are slightly bent and your head is lifted. You want to keep your upper body relaxed and open, allowing for full range of motion in the diaphragm.

Next, focus on breathing from the diaphragm rather than from the chest or throat. This technique helps you achieve a fuller, richer sound when singing swing music. Take deep breaths into your belly instead of your chest and make sure you’re exhaling fully to ensure maximum air flow while singing.

Finally, practice proper vocal technique in order to produce quality sound when singing swing music. Concentrate on using correct vowel shapes and keeping your jaw relaxed so that you can produce clear tones without straining or pushing too hard. Additionally, practice phrasing in order to develop natural dynamics within each phrase as well as between them.


3. Practice Each Day

It’s not enough to just know the basics of swing singing. To become a great swing vocalist, you need to practice every day. To get the most out of your practice sessions, start by warming up your voice with some vocal exercises. This will help loosen up your vocal chords and ensure that you don’t strain your voice during practice. Next, focus on the essentials of swing singing – technique, posture, rhythm and phrasing – while working on particular songs or pieces of music you are rehearsing. When practicing with other musicians or in a group setting, take turns leading the song and don’t be afraid to make mistakes – everyone does! Finally, it’s important to end every session with a cool down period where you sing some simple scales and vocal exercises to help relax your voice. With these tips in mind and regular practice, you’ll soon be able to master the art of swing singing.


4. Keep Your Voice Healthy

It’s important to take care of your vocal cords if you want to sing swing music. To ensure that your voice stays healthy, make sure you warm up before singing and practice regularly. A vocal warm-up routine should include breathing exercises, lip trills, and scales. You should also learn proper posture while singing; good posture helps open up the diaphragm and allows more air to flow through the lungs.

Also, be mindful of the amount of strain you put on your voice when singing swing music. Vocal strain can come from pushing too hard or holding a note for too long. If you feel any pain or discomfort in your throat while singing, stop immediately and rest your voice. Drink plenty of water as well; it’s essential for keeping your vocal cords hydrated and preventing them from drying out.

If you take these steps to keep your voice healthy, you’ll be able to enjoy singing swing music for years to come.


5. Make Sure To Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for singing swing music. Your body needs to be well-hydrated to produce the best sound when singing, so it’s important to drink water before and during your performance. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help keep your voice healthy and make sure your vocal cords are lubricated and ready to go when you need them.

It’s also important to avoid consuming alcohol or drinks with caffeine before singing, as they can dry out your vocal cords and impair your performance. If you do need a boost of energy while performing, try drinking a non-caffeinated herbal tea instead. Herbal teas can provide an energy boost without dehydrating you or affecting your vocal performance.

Make sure that you always have water nearby when practicing or performing swing music. Staying hydrated will help you stay in tune, maintain control over your vocals, and ensure that you’re delivering the best possible performance every time!


6. Listen And Take Influence From Famous Swing Singers

Listen to, and take influence from, the greats of Swing music. Start with the likes of Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald, who were two of the most influential swing singers in history. Listen to their recordings and observe their unique vocal styles. Focus on how they vary their phrasing and dynamics to create more interesting interpretations of songs. Try to imitate some of these elements in your own singing. Take note of how they use improvisation to bring additional flavor to a performance. Ask yourself what makes certain lines stand out, or what techniques are used for transitions between phrases.

Discovering other swing singers can also be beneficial for your own development as a vocalist. Look through the archives of Cab Calloway, Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Nat King Cole and more – all had distinctive approaches that you can draw inspiration from. Get familiar with their rhythmic variations, scatting patterns and melodic choices. Analyze how they construct a song’s narrative by recognizing recurring motifs or particular lyrical embellishments. Investigate how they treat the lyrics in relation to the accompaniment – this could help you gain an understanding of how to better communicate musical ideas through singing.

As Swing music is a highly collaborative art form, it’s important to listen to groups such as the Andrews Sisters or The Boswell Sisters too. These acts were renowned for their impeccable harmonies and tight ensemble playing; both qualities which will help you build upon your knowledge about Swing music’s style and culture. Try out some group singing exercises with friends where you focus on perfecting your technique together as one collective voice – that way you can apply what you’ve learned from famous swing singers directly into practice!


7. Find An Experienced Vocal Teacher

Now that you’ve listened to the greats, it’s time to find an experienced vocal teacher who can help you learn how to sing swing music. A good teacher will be able to provide tips on technique and breath control, as well as give guidance on how to create your own sound. They should also be able to recommend appropriate songs for your voice and style.

When looking for a vocal coach, make sure they have experience with swing singing. Ask them about their background and experience working with other singers. It’s also important that they understand the unique elements of this genre of music so they can help you develop your own sound.

Finding an experienced vocal teacher is essential if you want to become a successful swing singer. With the right instructor, you’ll gain confidence and be able to express yourself through this wonderful genre of music.

If you’re interested in developing your singing skills and refining your vocal technique, then the 30-day singer online singing program is the perfect choice for you. With a 14-day free trial and very affordable pricing, you can get started on your singing journey with the help of experienced vocal coaches and online tutorials.

This comprehensive program will help you develop your vocal range, improve your pitch and tone, and learn how to express yourself through music. Discover the joys of singing with the 30-day singer today; with their guidance, you can make your singing dreams a reality.


8. Immerse Yourself In Swing Music

Immersing yourself in swing music is an important step for any singer who wants to master the style. Listening to a variety of different recordings, from classic big band records to present day interpretations, will help you get a better understanding of the genre. You’ll learn how to capture the energy and excitement of the classic swing sound while developing your own unique approach.

You should also try attending concerts, watching videos and taking classes or workshops if possible. This will give you a chance to experience live performances firsthand, as well as network with other musicians who can provide valuable insight into the style. It’s also an opportunity to engage with others who are passionate about swing and share your knowledge and enthusiasm.

No matter where you get your information, it’s essential that you take time to study and practice your craft so that you can become confident in your singing abilities. With dedication and hard work, you can be sure that you’re ready for any situation or performance involving swing music.


9. Avoid Alcohol And Caffeine

Alcohol and caffeine can have a negative impact on your singing, so it’s important to avoid them before performing. When you drink alcohol, it affects the muscles in your throat and jaw, which can cause you to slur your words and sing off-key. Caffeine can also dehydrate your vocal cords, making them more likely to crack or strain when you sing. It’s best to avoid both of these substances if you want to ensure that your performance is top notch.

In addition, drinking alcohol and caffeine can lead to poor decision making when it comes to selecting songs or deciding how much time to spend rehearsing. Alcohol reduces inhibitions, which may make it easier for you to choose inappropriate songs or not practice enough – both of which could ruin a performance. Similarly, caffeine can create feelings of anxiety and jitteriness that could make it difficult for you to concentrate on the task at hand.

So if you want great results when singing swing music, be sure to abstain from drinking alcohol and caffeine prior to performing. Not only will this help keep your voice healthy but it will also help ensure that the performance goes smoothly and successfully.


10. Eliminate Vocal Strain – Know Your Vocal Range

Next, it is essential to understand your vocal range in order to sing swing music. Knowing your vocal range will help you avoid vocal strain and ensure that you are singing within a comfortable range. To determine your vocal range, start by warming up your voice with some simple scales and arpeggios. As you become more comfortable with the notes, try singing some lyrics or melodies from swing tunes. Pay attention to the notes that feel comfortable for your voice and note them down. This will help you get an idea of what notes are within your vocal range and which ones should be avoided.

Once you have determined your vocal range, practice staying within it while singing swing music. Pay close attention to how you’re feeling when practicing and if any particular pitches strain or tire out your voice, work on finding a more comfortable pitch. Additionally, be mindful of how long you’re singing each phrase; try breaking longer phrases down into smaller parts in order to give yourself more control over the notes without straining too much.

Lastly, take regular breaks during practice sessions so that your vocals don’t get overly tired and strained after long periods of singing. Keeping track of how long you’re singing for each day can also help prevent potential strain or injury from occurring due to overexertion. With consistent practice and proper care of your voice, learning how to sing swing music can become easier than ever before!



In conclusion, singing swing music is something that takes practice and dedication. You need to be willing to put in the time and effort if you want to become a successful swing singer. I recommend always warming up before singing, using proper vocal technique and breathing correctly.

Practicing every day is also essential for improvement, as well as making sure your voice stays healthy. Staying hydrated will help keep your vocal cords lubricated, so make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day. An experienced vocal teacher can provide valuable feedback and guidance, so don’t hesitate to find one in your area.

Immersing yourself in Swing music is also helpful for developing an understanding of the style. Finally, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided because they can affect your voice negatively, and it’s important to know your vocal range so you can avoid straining it. With these tips in mind, you’ll be on your way to becoming a masterful Swing singer!

Additionally, an experienced vocal instructor can provide helpful feedback and guidance. For those looking to take their singing to the next level, the 30-day Singer Program is an affordable online singing program which offers a 14-day free trial.

With this program, singers are able to learn proper vocal techniques, gain confidence, and improve their singing skills. So if you’re looking to become a masterful swing singer, why not give the 30-day Singer Program a try?

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