How To Growl Sing – 6 PRO Tips🥇(Oct 2024)

How To Growl Sing – 6 PRO Tips🥇(Oct 2024)

If you’re ready to take your singing to the next level, then it’s time to add a growl to your vocal repertoire.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to master the art of growling in singing, and provide some helpful tips on how to make the most of this unique vocal style. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned vocalist, incorporating growling into your singing can take your performance to the next level.

So, let’s get started!


How To Growl Sing

Growling singing is a popular vocal technique used by many metal and rock singers to add a raw, aggressive edge to their music.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to improve your skills, learning how to growl sing can be a rewarding and challenging experience.

In this guide, we’ll take a look at the basics of growling singing, including the physical technique, vocal exercises, and performance strategies to help you achieve a professional sound.


shallow focus photography of man shouting using microphone

1. Understanding the Growling Vocal Technique

The first step in learning how to growl sing is understanding the physical process of how it works. When you growl, you’re essentially using your vocal cords to create a low, guttural sound. This is achieved by narrowing the space between your vocal cords and increasing the airflow through your larynx. Depending on the type of growling you’re trying to achieve, different techniques may be used to alter the sound. For example, death metal growling tends to be deeper and more guttural, while black metal growling is often higher-pitched and more raspy.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when learning how to growl sing is to use proper posture and breathing. Good posture helps you to use your diaphragm more effectively, which in turn allows you to control the airflow through your larynx more easily. Additionally, proper breathing allows you to take in more oxygen, which is crucial for sustaining the growling tone.


2. Vocal Warm-Ups and Exercises for Growlers

Vocal warm-ups are an essential part of any singing practice, but they’re especially important for growling singers. Vocal warm-ups help to prepare your voice for the demands of growling and can help prevent injury. Some of the most beneficial warm-up exercises for growling singers include lip trills, humming, and humming with a closed glottis.

In addition to vocal warm-ups, there are also specific exercises that you can do to improve your growling technique. These exercises include practicing different types of growling, such as death metal or black metal growling, and working on your pitch and tone. By practicing these exercises regularly, you’ll be able to improve your voice projection and achieve a more professional sound.

Below is a generalized vocal warmup tutorial which will be sufficient in warming your vocal cords up so you’re ready to begin growling:


3. Breathing Techniques and Voice Projection Practices

Proper breathing is crucial for achieving a good growling tone, and there are several techniques that can help you achieve this. Some of the most common breathing techniques used by growling singers include diaphragmatic breathing, which involves using your diaphragm to control the airflow through your larynx, and glottal breathing, which involves using your glottis to control the airflow.

Another important aspect of growling singing is voice projection. Voice projection is the ability to sing loudly and clearly, which is essential for achieving a good growling tone. One way to improve voice projection is by practicing the “siren” exercise, where you start singing at a low pitch and gradually work your way up to a high pitch.

Here are some daily exercises you can follow to help transform your singing/growling:


4. Mastering Growl Tones

One of the most challenging aspects of growling singing is mastering different growl tones. Different types of growling, such as death metal or black metal, require different techniques and approaches. For example, death metal growling tends to be deeper and more guttural, while black metal growling is often higher-pitched and more raspy.

Another important aspect of mastering growl tones is learning how to control dynamics when singing. Dynamics refer to the variation in volume and intensity during a performance, and they play a crucial role in achieving a good growling tone. By practicing different dynamics and experimenting with different types of growling, you’ll be able to find your own unique style and develop a more professional sound.


5. Growling Masterclass Tutorials

If you’re serious about learning how to growl sing, taking a masterclass or tutorial from a professional vocal coach can be extremely helpful. A good vocal coach can provide tips and tricks on how to improve your growling technique, as well as give you feedback on your performance. They can also help you to identify and correct any common mistakes that you may be making, such as improper breathing or posture.

There are also many online tutorials and resources available for learning how to growl sing. For example, you can find growling masterclasses on platforms like YouTube or Udemy. These tutorials often feature professional singers and vocal coaches who provide detailed instruction on different aspects of growling singing.


man performing on stage raising his hands

6. Performance Strategies for Live Shows

When it comes to performing live, there are a few strategies that you can use to make sure that your growling singing is as effective as possible. One of the most important things to keep in mind is to maintain good vocal health. This includes warming up your voice before a performance, staying hydrated, and taking regular breaks.

Another important aspect of performing live is to incorporate growling singing into your performance in a way that is appropriate for the audience. This may involve experimenting with different types of growling to find the one that works best for the audience. Additionally, it’s important to use growling singing in a way that complements the overall performance and doesn’t overpower the other elements of the music.



Learning how to growl sing can be a challenging and rewarding experience.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to improve your skills, understanding the basics of the technique, practicing vocal exercises and mastering different growl tones, taking tips from professional vocal coaches and experimenting with different types of growling, and incorporating growling singing into your live performance can all help you achieve a professional sound.

To take your singing to the next level, why not try an online singing program. One of the most reputable ones which we like to recommend is 30-day singer, whom are very affordably priced. They even offer a 14-day free trial for those wanting to check it out, completely risk-free.

Remember to practice regularly and be patient with yourself as you develop your skills, and before you know it, you’ll be growling like a pro.


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